Dam:GCH Pholia Farm HJ Lollipop 4*M ++VV 85 DS: Algedi Farm H Hurricane Jimmy +*B DD: SGCH Pholia Farm KM Harriett 3*M 88 VEEV *Top Ten in 2009 & 2010*
Height: 19.5" Personality: Affectionate, precocious and "in your pocket" friendly.
I shouldn't play favorites, but with Leilani I just can't help it. Not only is she a fantastic milker but she has a great personality and is often my shadow around the barn.
Multiple top ten milkers in Leilani's pedigree! She milks like a dream with nice size stretchy teats, open orifices, great attachments, butter soft udder texture and great capacity for her tiny size. We joke that she is our mini jersey cow, peaking at over 4.5lbs a day on a non performance diet of free choice grass hay, Chaffhaye twice a day and one cup of oats once a day. She is our hardest doe to dry off, with a wonderful will to milk. Add to that she is an angel on the milk stand, always eager to be milked and patiently calm. As a fun bonus, she produces copious amounts of fluffy soft cashmere every winter which we collect in the spring.
Leilani's kids always ended up being my favorites, so over the years I gave in and selected our doe herd down to focus on her line. They are the whole package - quality genetics, easy to milk, hardy and super personalities. Leilani is now a happily retired GG Grandmother who, despite her age, and status as herd queen, is usually the instigator getting all the youngsters riled up to play with her and teaches them how to be a good herd members. So often, through the years I see everyone's kids all snuggled up with her. This little goat brings me great joy.
Pictured here as a one year old 1st freshener in 2021. Photo credit: Itrek Acres
2021 First Freshening Udder, Photo credit Itrek Acres
Night Heron Farm Trillium 8*M Barn Name: "Trill" POLLED, Blue Eyes, Moonspot
DOB: April 3rd, 2020
Sire: Old Mountain Farm Abracadabra! SS: Old Mountain Farm Grey Cheek SD: Old Mountain Farm Voila!
Dam: Night Heron Farm Moana 7*M DS: Almar Acres Black Sage *B DD: Night Heron Farm WH Namaka 6*M
Height: 22.5" Personality: Friendly, Smart and a Bit Silly
I absolutely adore this doe. She was one I had planned out on paper long before she was born and she does not disappoint! Trillium has a wonderful front end with lovely brisket, correct front legs, lovely shoulders and neck. She looks like someone shrink-rayed a standard size dairy goat.
While her teats are currently a bit on the small side, she is very easy to hand milk with lovely udder texture and her udder milks down to nothing. Something we have worked diligently on through the years. This doe consistently cranks out the butterfat, even early in lactation. On her most recent milk tests she had 8.3% butterfat at 63 days in milk and 9.1% butterfat at 84 days in milk. It is the best tasting (sweet and creamy) milk we have ever had and has phenomenal cheese yield.
One of her 2022 daughters was the Jr Champion at the 2022 SWWDGA show, earning her dry leg. Her other 2022 daughter placed exceptionally well, right behind her sister. They were bred and shown by Itrek Acres, who had purchased Trillium as a kid and recently sold her back to us, keeping and doing great by her daughters, congrats!
As a fun bonus Trillium is polled, has lovely blue eyes and a single moonspot on her neck. I am really looking forward to seeing how her udder develops in future freshenings, if she is anything like her dam, it should be gorgeous.